All-Purpose Flour


Our All-Purpose Flour is a great choice for shoppers who prefer to use natural ingredients in their baking.

This flour is milled closer to the bran coat to deliver superior flavor and sifted for purity. Its fine consistency makes it easy to work with and performs consistently for all your shoppers’ baking needs.

This flour can be used by itself or combined with other whole wheat flours, making our All-Purpose flour is the perfect choice. It is versatile, delicious, and it will elevate your baking to a whole new level.

Ideal for: pizza dough, muffins, cookies, pie crust & more.

About Our FlourS

Our flours are exactly what we say they are — traced straight back to our farmers’ ancestral wheat fields and minimally processed to assure we preserve the natural nutrition, deep flavor and complete character of the grain.

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